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Biomechanics - Biophysics
[115] G.M. Kefala, D. Tsvirkun, V. M. Laurent, C. Verdier, Cancer cells impact the microrheology of endothelial cells during physical contact or through paracrine signaling, submitted (2024) PDF
[114] S. Greenhorn, R. Auzely, C. Verdier,
M. Weber, I. Jeacomine, K. Zekentes, E. Bano, V. Stambouli, Improving
SiC surface properties by hyaluronic acid hydrogel deposition for
neural probe applications, submitted (2024)
[113] J. Zemla, C. Verdier,
M. Luty, J. Pabijan, M. Lekka, Mechanosensitivity modulation by
cytoskeletal proteins in docetaxel-treated bladder cancer cells, accepted, J. Mech. Behav. Biomed. Mat., 165, 106952 (2025) PDF
[112] A. Chauvière, I. Manifacier, C. Verdier, G. Chagnon, I. Cheddadi, N. Glade, A. Stéphanou, A biomechanical model for cell sensing and migration, Comput. Methods Biomech. Biomed. Eng., nov. online, 1-19 (2024) PDF
Book:"Mechanics of living tissues. Imaging, characterization and
modeling towards the study of soft tissues", 305 pages, Eds C. Laurent, C. Verdier, Wiley-ISTE (2024)
[110] C. Verdier, L.I. Palade, A rheological model for spheroids including extra-cellular matrix, Europhys. Letters, 145, 17001 (2024) PDF
[109] C. Verdier, V.M. Laurent, Chap. 18 : Deux pionniers de la biomécanique cellulaire, Y.-C. Fung et S. Chien, Pionniers en biomécanique, 86-91 (2024) PDF
[107] J. Romero Bhathal, L. Orgéas, M. Bouzid, L. Bailly, C. Verdier, V. M. Laurent, Quantitative analysis of the fibrous microstructure of 3D collagen gels, Comput. Methods Biomech. Biomed. Eng., 24, S80-S782 (2023) PDF
[106] G. M. Kefala, D. Tsvirkun, C. Verdier, V. M. Laurent, Changes in endothelial cell microrheology in medium modified by cancer cells, Comput. Methods Biomech. Biomed. Eng., 24, S43-S45 (2023) PDF
[105] C. Verdier, L.I. Palade, Modeling spheroids rheology, Comput. Methods Biomech. Biomed. Eng., 24, S77-S79 (2023) PDF
[104] J. Zemła, C. Verdier, Y. Abidine, Microrheology, Chapter 3.6, Book "Mechanics of cells and tissues in diseases". Vol. 1 Biomedical Methods, De Gruyter, Eds. M. Radmacher, M. Lekka, D. Navajas, A. Podesta (2023) PDF
[102] D. Tsvirkun, J. Revilloud, A. Giannetti, C. Verdier, The intriguing role of collagen on the rheology of cancer cell spheroids, J. Biomechanics, 141, 111229 (2022) PDF
[101] L. Laforgue, A. Fertin, Y. Usson, C. Verdier, V.M. Laurent, Efficient deformation mechanisms enable invasive cancer cells to migrate faster in 3D collagen networks, Scientific
Reports, 12, 7867 (2022) PDF
[100] C. Verdier, Biomechanics of transendothelial migration by cancer cells, BioCell, 46(11), 2381-2386 (2022) PDF
[98] H. Chelly, A. Jahangiri, M. Mireux, J. Etienne, D.K. Dysthe, C. Verdier, P. Recho, Cell crawling on a compliant substrate: a biphasic relation with linear friction, Int. J. Nonlin. Mech., 139, 103897 (2022) PDF
[97] C.E.G. Garcia, C. Verdier, B. Lardy, F. Bossard, F.A.S. Martinez, M. Rinaudo, Chondrocyte cell adhesion on chitosan
supports using single-cell Atomic Force Microscopy, Int. J. Polym. Anal. Charac., 27(1), 71-85 (2022) PDF
[96] Y. Abidine, A. Giannetti, J. Revilloud, V.M. Laurent, C. Verdier, Viscoelastic properties in cancer: from cells to spheroids, Cells, 10(7), 1704 (2021) PDF
[95] L. Laforgue, A. Fertin, Y. Usson, C. Verdier, V.M. Laurent, Migration of cancer cells in 3D collagen medium, Comput.
Methods Biomech. Biomed. Eng., 24, S221-S222 (2021) PDF
[94] M. Dolega, G. Zurlo, M. Le
Goff, M. Greda, C. Verdier,
J.-F. Joanny, G. Cappello, P. Recho, Mechanical behavior of multi-cellular spheroids under osmotic compression,
J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 147, 104205 (2021) PDF
[93] A. Giannetti, J. Revilloud, C. Verdier, Mechanical properties of 3D tumor spheroids measured by AFM, Comput.
Methods Biomech. Biomed. Eng., 23, S125-S127 (2020) PDF
[92] I. Manifacier, A. Chauvière, C. Verdier, G. Chagnon, I. Cheddadi, N. Glade, A. Stéphanou, A minimal biomechanical model for random cell migration, Comput.
Methods Biomech. Biomed. Eng., 23(S1), S183-S185 (2020) PDF
[91] S.M.A. Arefi, D. Tsvirkun, C. Verdier, J. Feng, A biomechanical model for the extravasation of cancer cells, Phys. Biology, 17(3), 036004
(2020) PDF
[90] C. Verdier, Y. Abidine, V.M. Laurent, A. Duperray, Cancer cell
microrheology using AFM, Comput.
Methods Biomech. Biomed. Eng., 22, S260-S261 (2019) PDF
[89] A. Fertin, L. Laforgue, A. Duperray, V. M. Laurent, Y. Usson, C.
Verdier, Displacement fields using correlation methods as a
tool to investigate cell migration in 3D collagen gels,
J. Microscopy, 275(3), 172-182 (2019) PDF
[88] P. Royer, P. Recho, C. Verdier,
On the quasi-static effective behaviour of poroelastic media containing
elastic inclusions, Mech.
Res. Comm. 96, 19-23 (2019) PDF
[87] H.S. Davies, N.S. Baranova, N. El Amri, L. Coche-Guerente, C.
Verdier, L. Bureau, R.P. Richter, D. Débarre, An
integrated assay to probe endothelial glycocalyx-blood cell
interactions under flow in mechanically and biochemically
well-defined environments, Matrix
Biology, 78-79, 47-59 (2019) PDF
[86] H.S. Davies, D. Débarre, N. El Amri, C. Verdier, R.P. Richter, L. Bureau, Elastohydrodynamic lift at a soft wall, Phys. Rev. Letters, 120, 198001 (2018) PDF
[85] Y. Abidine, A. Constantinescu, V.M. Laurent, V. Sundar Rajan, R.
Michel, V. Laplaud, A. Duperray, C.
Verdier, Mechanosensitivity of cancer cells in contact with
soft substrates using AFM, Biophys.
J., 114,
1165-1175 (2018) PDF
[84] C. Schwartz, M. Fischer, K. Mamchaoui, A. Bigot, T. Lok, C.
A. Duperray, R. Michel, I. Holt, T. Voit, S. Quijano-Roy, G. Bonne, C.
Coirault, Lamins and Nesprin-1 mediate inside-out mechanical coupling in
muscle cell precursors through FHOD1, Scientific
Reports, 7, 1253 (2017) PDF
[83] V.E.J. Sundar Rajan, V.M. Laurent, C.
Verdier, A. Duperray, Unraveling the ligand-receptor
interactions between bladder cancer cells and the endothelium using AFM, Biophys.
J. ,112,
1246-1257 (2017) PDF
[82] C. Roux, A. Duperray, V.M. Laurent, R. Michel, V. Peschetola, C.
Verdier, J. Etienne, Prediction of traction forces of motile
cells, Interface
Focus, 6, 20160042 (2016) PDF
[81] Y. Abidine, V.M. Laurent, R. Michel, A. Duperray, C.
Verdier, Local mechanical properties of bladder cancer cells
measured by AFM as a signature of metastatic potential, Eur.
Phys. J. Plus, 130, 202 (2015)
[80] L. Laforgue, V.M. Laurent, A. Duperray, C.
Verdier, 3D cancer cell migration in collagen matrices, Comput.
Methods Biomech. Biomed. Eng.,
18, S1,
(2015) PDF
[79] Y. Abidine, V.M. Laurent, R. Michel, A. Duperray, L.I. Palade, C. Verdier, Physical properties of
polyacrylamide gels probed by AFM and rheology, Europhys.
Letters, 109, 38003
(2015) PDF
[78] Z. Macek Jílková, J. Lisowska, S. Manet, C.
V. Deplano, C. Geindreau, E. Faurobert, C. Albiges-Rizo, A. Duperray,
CCM proteins control endothelial beta1 integrin dependent response to
shear stress, Biology Open,
3(12), 1228-1235
(2014) PDF
[77] G. Vitale, L. Laforgue, R. Michel, J. Etienne, V.M. Laurent, A.
Duperray, C. Verdier, 3D
migration of cells solving an inverse problem, Inverse
Problems - from Theory to Applications (IPTA2014), 69-73 (2014) PDF
[76] V.M. Laurent, A. Duperray, V. Sundar Rajan, C.
Evidence of the role of ICAM-1 on cell invasiveness through AFM
measurements of the interaction between tumor cells and endothelial
cells, PLOS
One, 9(5),
e98034 (2014)
[75] M. Brust, A. Aouane, M. Thiébaud, D. Flormann, C.
L. Kaestner, M.W. Laschke, H. Selmi, A. Benyoussef, T. Podgorski, G.
Coupier, C. Misbah, C. Wagner, The plasma protein fibrinogen stabilizes
clusters of red blood cells in microcapillary flows, Scientific
Reports, 4, 4348 (2014) PDF
[74] Z. Macek-Jílková, V. Deplano, C.
M. Toungara, C. Geindreau, A. Duperray, Wall shear stress and
endothelial cells dysfunction in the context of abdominal aortic
aneurysms, Comput.
Methods Biomech. Biomed. Eng., 16, S1, 27-29 (2013) PDF
[73] Y. Abidine, V.M. Laurent, R. Michel, A. Duperray, C.
Verdier, Microrheology of complex systems and living cells
using AFM, Comput.
Methods Biomech. Biomed. Eng., 16, S1,
15-16 (2013) PDF
[72] R. Michel, V. Peschetola, J. Etienne, A. Duperray, G. Vitale, D.
Ambrosi, L. Preziosi, C. Verdier,
Mathematical framework for Traction Force Microscopy,
42, 61-83
(2013) PDF
[71] V. Peschetola, V. Laurent, A. Duperray, R. Michel, D. Ambrosi, L.
Preziosi, C. Verdier,
Time-dependent traction force microscopy for cancer cells as a measure
of invasiveness,
Cytoskeleton, 70, 201-214 (2013) PDF
[70] P. Steffen, C. Verdier, C.
Wagner, Quantification of depletion-induced adhesion of Red Blood Cells,
Rev. Letters,
110, 018102
(2013) PDF
[69] R. Michel, V. Peschetola, B. Bedessem, J. Etienne, D. Ambrosi, A.
Duperray, C. Verdier, Inverse
problems for the determination of traction forces by cells on a
substrate: a comparison of two methods, Comput.
Methods Biomech. Biomed. Eng., 15, S1, 27-29
(2012) PDF
[68] S. Chiron, C. Tomczak, A. Duperray, J. Laine, G. Bonne, T.
Eschenhagen, C. Verdier, C.
Coirault, Dynamic interplay between human myoblasts and 3D fibrin-based
matrix, PLOS
One, 7(4),
e36173 (2012) PDF
[67] V. Peschetola, V. Laurent, A. Duperray, L. Preziosi, D. Ambrosi, C. Verdier, Traction forces of
cancer cells, Comput.
Methods Biomech. Biomed. Eng., 14
(S1), 159-160 (2011) PDF
[66] A. Iordan, A. Duperray, A. Gérard, A. Grichine, C. Verdier, Breakdown of cell-collagen networks through collagen remodeling, Biorheology, 47, 277-295 (2010)
[65] O. Haddad, R. Chotard-Ghodsnia, C. Verdier, A. Duperray, Tumor
cell-endothelial cell tight contact upregulates endothelial adhesion
molecule expression mediated by NFkB:
differential role of the shear stress, Exp.
Cell Research,
615-626 (2010) PDF
[63] V. Peschetola, C. Verdier, A. Duperray and D.
Ambrosi, Cancer cell migration on 2D deformable substrates, In "Cell
mechanics. From single scale-based models to multiscale modelling",
Eds. A Chauviere, L. Preziosi, C. Verdier, CRC
Press, Chapman & Hall, chap.
9, 243-263 (2010) PDF
[62] L. Preziosi, D. Ambrosi, C. Verdier, An
elasto-visco-plastic model of cell agregates, J.
Theor. Biol., 262, 35-47
(2010) PDF
[61] C. Verdier, J. Etienne, A. Duperray, L.
Preziosi, Review : Rheological properties of biological materials, C. R. Physique,
790-811 (2009), Special
issue on "Complex and biofluids", Ed. C. Misbah PDF
[60] C. Couzon, A. Duperray, C. Verdier,
Critical stresses for cancer cell detachment in microchannels, Eur. Biophys. J. 38,
1035-1047 (2009) PDF
[59] D. Ambrosi, A. Duperray, V. Peschetola, C.
Verdier, Traction patterns of tumor cells, J.
Math. Biology, 58, 163-181 (2009) PDF
[58] C. Verdier, C. Couzon, A. Duperray, P. Singh,
Modeling cell interactions under flow, J.
Math. Biology, 58, 235-259 (2009) PDF
[57] A. Iordan, A. Duperray, C. Verdier, Fractal
approach to the rheology of concentrated cell suspensions, Phys.
Rev. E, 77, 011911 (2008) PDF
[56] D. Bresch, T. Colin, E. Grenier, B. Ribba, O. Saut,
P. Singh, C. Verdier, Quelques methodes de parametre d'ordre
avec applications a la modelisation de processus cancereux, ESAIM
Proceedings, 18, 163-180 (2007) PDF
[55] Q. Jin, C. Verdier, P. Singh, N. Aubry, R.
Chotard-Ghodsnia, A. Duperray, Migration and deformation of leukocytes
in presure driven flows, Mech. Res.
Comm., 34, 411-422 (2007) PDF
[54] R. Chotard-Ghodsnia, O. Haddad, A. Leyrat, A.
Drochon, C. Verdier, A. Duperray, Morphological analysis of
tumor cell/endothelial cell interactions under shear flow,
J. Biomechanics, 40(2),
335-344 (2007) PDF
[53] R. Chotard-Ghodsnia, C. Verdier, Rheology of
living materials, chap 1, 1-31 (2007) in Birkhauser Series : Modeling
and Simulation in Sciences, Engineering, and Technology, "Modeling
of biological materials", F. Mollica, L.
Preziosi & K.R. Rajagopal Eds. PDF
[52] O. Haddad, R. Chotard-Ghodsnia, A. Leyrat, C. Verdier, A. Duperray, Morphological analysis of tumour cell/endothelial cell interactions under shear flow, Comput.
Methods Biomech. Biomed. Eng., 8(S1), 131-132 (2005)
[51] E. Canetta, A. Leyrat, C. Verdier, A.
Duperray, Measuring cell viscoelastic properties using a
force-spectrometer: Influence of protein-cytoplasm interactions, Biorheology,
42(5), 321-333 (2005) PDF
[50] E. Canetta, A. Leyrat, C. Verdier, A physical
model for studying adhesion between a living cell and a spherical
functionalized substrate, Math. Comp.
Mod., 37, 1121-1129 (2003) PDF
[49] A. Leyrat, A. Duperray, C. Verdier, Adhesion
mechanisms in cancer metastasis , Chapter 8, pp. 221-242, "Cancer Modelling and simulation"
, CRC Press (2003)
[48] R. Chotard-Ghodsnia, A. Drochon, A. Duperray, A.
Leyrat, C. Verdier, Static and dynamic interactions between
circulating cells and the endothelium in cancer, Chapter 9, pp.
243-267, "Cancer Modelling and
simulation", CRC Press (2003)
[47] C. Verdier, Review: Rheological properties of
living materials : from cells to tissues, J.
Theor. Medicine, 5(2), 67-91 (2003) PDF
Interfaces - Rheology
[46] M. Sellier, C. Verdier, V.
Nock, The spontaneous motion of a slug of miscible liquids in a
capillary tube, Int. J. Nanotechnology, 14,
530-539 (2017) PDF
[45] M. Sellier, V. Nock, C. Gaubert, C.
Verdier, Droplet actuation induced by coalescence: experimental
evidences and phenomenological modeling, Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics,
219, 131-141 (2013)
[44] P. Peyla, C. Verdier, New
confinement effects on the viscosity of suspensions, Europhys. Letters, 94, 44001 (2011) PDF
[43] M. Sellier, V.M. Nock, C. Verdier, Self-propelling,
coalescing droplets, Int.
J. Multiphase Flows, 37,
462-468 (2011) PDF
[42] G. Danker, C. Verdier, C. Misbah, Rheology and dynamics of
vesicle suspension in comparison with droplet emulsion, J.
Non Newtonian Fluid Mech., 152, 156-167
(2008) PDF
[41] G. Danker, T. Biben, T. Podgorski, C. Verdier, C. Misbah,
Dynamics and rheology of a dilute suspension of vesicles : higher
order theory, Phys. Rev. E,
76, 041905 (2007) PDF
[40] J. Beaucourt, T. Biben, A. Leyrat, C. Verdier, Modeling
breakup and relaxation of Newtonian droplets using the advected field
approach, Phys. Rev. E, 75,
021405 (2007) PDF
[39] M. Brizard, M. Megharfi, E. Mahé, C. Verdier, Absolute
falling-ball viscosimeter for the viscosity measurements of liquids, Revue Francaise de Metrologie,
10, 17-21 (2007) PDF
[38] M. Brizard, M. Megharfi, C. Verdier, Estimation of falling
ball viscosity measurement uncertainties, Metrologia,
42, 1-6 (2005) PDF
[37] M. Brizard, M. Megahrfi, E. Mahé, C. Verdier, Design of a
high precision falling ball viscometer, Rev.
Sci. Instrum., 76(2), 025109 (2005) PDF
[36] J. Beaucourt, T. Biben, C. Verdier, Elongation and burst of
axisymmetric viscoelastic droplets : a numerical study, Phys.
Rev. E, 71(6), 066309 (2005) PDF
[35] T. Biben, C. Misbah, A. Leyrat, C. Verdier, An advected-field
approach to the dynamics of fluid interfaces, Europhys.
Letters, 63, 623-629 (2003) PDF
[34] C. Verdier, M. Brizard, Understanding droplet coalescence and
its use to measure interfacial tension, Rheol.
Acta, 41, 514-523 (2002) PDF
[33] C. Verdier, The influence of the viscosity ratio on polymer
droplet collision in quiescent blends, Polymer,
42(16), 6999-7007 (2001) PDF
[32] C. Verdier, Coalescence of polymer droplets: experiments on
collision, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Serie
IV, t.1, 119-126 (2000) PDF
[31] C. Verdier, H.T. Vinagre, M. Piau, D.D. Joseph, High
temperature interfacial measurements of PA6/PP interfaces
compatibilized with copolymers using a spinning drop tensiometer, Polymer, 41, 6683-6689
(2000) PDF
[30] D.D. Joseph, M.S. Arney, G.
Gillberg, H. Hu, D. Hultman, C. Verdier, H.
Vinagre, A Spinning Drop Tensioextensiometer, J.
Rheol., 36(4), 621-662 (1992)
[29] C. Verdier, D.D. Joseph,
Hadamard instability of the White-Metzner model, pp. 80-83 (Chap.4),
Analysis of type in a nonlinear system which is not quasilinear: the
White-Metzner model, pp. 144-149 (Chap.6), Analysis of type for the
fourth order streamfunction for flow of the White-Metzner model, pp.
149-152 (Chap.6), in Book "Fluid Dynamics
of Viscoelastic liquids", D. D. Joseph,
Eds. Springer-Verlag, New-York, Applied Math. Sci. 84 (1990)
[28] C. Verdier, Topics in the Fluid Dynamics of Viscoelastic
Liquids, Ph.D. Thesis, 130 pages (in english), University
of Minnesota (1990)
[27] C. Verdier, D.D. Joseph, Change of type and loss of evolution
of the White-Metzner model, J. Non
Newtonian Fluid Mech., 31, 325-343 (1989)
[26] C. Verdier, D.D. Joseph,
Similarity solutions that give rise to hyperbolicity and change of
type in steady flow of a viscoelastic fluid, J.
Non Newtonian Fluid Mech., 31,
301-323 (1989)
Polymer adhesion -
Peel & tack
[25] C. Verdier, G. Ravilly, Peeling of Polydimethysiloxane
adhesives : the case of adhesive failure, J.
Polym. Sci. Part B: Polym. Phys., 45(16),
2113-2122 (2007) PDF
[24] J.M. Piau, G. Ravilly, C. Verdier, Peeling of
Polydimethysiloxane adhesives at low velocities : cohesive
failure, J. Polym. Sci. Part B:
Polym. Phys., 43(2), 145-157 (2005) PDF
[23] C. Verdier, J.-M. Piau, The influence of the nonlinear
viscoelastic properties on tack, J.
Polym. Sci. Part B: Polym. Phys., 41,
3139-3149 (2003) PDF
[22] J.-F. Blachot, D. Dupeyre, C. Verdier, Peelback of highly
oriented cellulosic fibres, J. Materials
Sci., 36 , 4223-4230 (2001) PDF
[21] C. Verdier, J.-M. Piau, The ideal adhesive stress-strain curve
to obtain a maximum tackiness, Le Vide,
54 (296), 160-164 (2000)
[20] C. Verdier, J.M. Piau, L. Benyahia, Peeling of acrylic
pressure-sensitive adhesives: cross-linked versus uncross-linked
adhesives, J. Adhesion, 68,
93-116 (1998)
[19] C. Verdier, J.-M. Piau, Etude du pelage d'adhésifs acryliques.
Influence de la reticulation, Les cahiers de Rhéologie, XVI(1) 41-48 (1998)
[18] C. Verdier, J.-M. Piau, Recent investigations in the adhesion
of polymer-based adhesives, Recent Research developments in
Macromolecules Research, Eds Research
Signpost, 3, 371-383 (1998)
[17] L. Benyahia, C. Verdier, J.-M. Piau, The mechanisms of
peeling of uncrosslinked pressure sensitive adhesives, J.
Adhesion, 62, 45-73 (1997)
[16] J.-M. Piau, C. Verdier, L. Benyahia, Influence of rheology
and surface properties in the adhesion of uncross-linked pressure
sensitive adhesives, Rheol. Acta,
36, 449-461 (1997)
[15] C. Verdier, J.-M. Piau, L. Benyahia, The influence of
rheological and surface properties in the adhesion of pressure
sensitive adhesives, "Mechanical behavior of adhesive joints:
Analysis, testing and design", Eds
Pluralis, 227-236 (1997)
[14] C. Verdier, J.-M. Piau, L. Benyahia, Influence des propriétés élongationnelles dans le pelage des polymères, C.
R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Serie IIb, t. 323,
739-746 (1996)
Wave propagation -
ultrasounds in polymers
[13] C. Letang, M. Piau, C. Verdier, L. Lefebvre, Characterization
of wheat flour-water doughs. A new method using ultrasound, Ultrasonics,
39, 133-141 (2001) PDF
[12] P.Y. Longin, C. Verdier, M. Piau, Ultrasonic investigation of
PDMS/PIB blends in a wide range of concentrations, J.
Rheol., 44 (5),
1189-1203 (2000) PDF
[11] C. Letang, M. Piau, C. Verdier, Characterization of wheat
flour-water doughs. Part I: Rheometry and microstructure, J.
Food Eng., 41, 121-132 (1999)
[10] P.-Y. Longin, C. Verdier, M. Piau, Dynamic shear rheology of
high molecular weight polydimethylsiloxanes: Comparison of rheometry
and ultrasound, J. Non Newtonian Fluid
Mech., 76, 213-232 (1998)
[9] C. Verdier, Adhésion et Caractérisation ultrasonore de
matériaux polymères, Mémoire de diplôme d'Habilitation à Diriger des
Recherches (HDR), Université Joseph
Fourier, 130 pages (in french), Grenoble (1998)
[8] C. Verdier, P.-Y. Longin, M. Piau, Dynamic shear and
compressional behavior of polydimethylsiloxanes : ultrasonic and low
frequency characterization , Rheol. Acta,
37, 234-244 (1998)
[7] M. Piau, C. Verdier, Caractérisation ultrasonore de mélanges
viscoélastiques aérés, Les cahiers de
Rhéologie, XV(4), 1-10 (1997)
[6] C. Verdier, M. Piau, Acoustic wave propagation in two-fluid
viscoelastic media: the case of polymer emulsions, J.
Acoust. Soc. Am., 101(4), 1868-1876
[5] C. Letang, M. Piau, C. Verdier, Caractérisation ultrasonore
et propriétés rhéologiques de mélanges farine-eau, Les
cahiers de Rhéologie, XV(1), 319-326,
[4] C. Verdier, M. Piau, Analysis of the morphology of polymer
blends using ultrasound, J. Phys. D:
Appl. Phys., 29(6), 1454-1461 (1996)
[3] C. Verdier, M. Piau, Caractérisation ultrasonore d'alliages de
polymères durant l'extrusion, Rec. Progr.
Genie Proc., 9(38), 25-30 (1995)
[2] M. Piau , C. Verdier, A Feasibility study of the On-line
Characterization of polymer blends using ultrasound, Ultrasonics
International, 93, 423-426 (1993)
Other topics
[1] R. Michel, C. Montella, C.
Verdier, J.-P. Diard, Numerical
computation of the Faradaic impedance of inlaid microdisk electrodes
using a finite element method with anisotropic mesh adaptation, Electrochim. Acta, 55,
6263-6273 (2010) PDF