Pierre Recho
Laboratoire Inter-disciplinaire de Physique
Universite Grenoble Alpes
140 Rue de la Physique
38402 Saint-Martin-d'Heres |
E-mail: pierre.recho'AT'univ-grenoble-alpes.fr
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My primary research interests are in the general field of cell biophysics, more specifically, mechanics of the cytoskeleton, one of the main force-producing structure in the cell. My broad goal is to develop and study mechanical models to understand how cells control their shape, volume and motility to perform collective tasks and self-organize into tissues. These functions play a crucial role in many biological phenomena including wound healing, inflammation, remodeling of connecting tissues, rebuilding of damaged structures and formation of metastases in cancer. What mostly fascinates me in this type of research is the delicate and often unexpected interplay between biology and mechanics. I work on quantitative models that can, on one side, reproduce experiments and, on the other side, be thoroughly understood at the mathematical level. I enjoy the interdisciplinary nature of the projects where biology and physics are the fundamental starting points while mathematics is a powerful tool allowing one to achieve full clarity.
I am now a CNRS junior fellow (Charge de Recherche) at the Laboratoire Inter-disciplinaire de Physique.
Published and accepted articles
- Mechanics and thermodynamics of contractile entropic biopolymer networks, with Jallon A. and Etienne J., Journal of Elasticity, 2024 ( arXiv:2405.07287 ).
- Optimal crawling: From mechanical to chemical actuation, with Truskinovsky L., Phys.Rev. E, 2024 ( arXiv:2405.09302 ).
- Initiation of motility on a compliant substrate, with Etienne J., J. Mec. Phys. Sol., 2023 ( arXiv:2303.09666 ).
- Mechanical feedback in regulating the size of growing multicellular spheroids, with Erlich A., J. Mec. Phys. Sol., 2023 ( arXiv:2011.00486 ).
- Cell motility as an energy minimization process, with Chelly H., Phys. Rev. E, 2022 ( arXiv:2112.10083 ).
- Cell crawling on a compliant substrate: A biphasic relation with linear friction , with Chelly H., Jahangiria A., Mireux M., Etienne J., Dysthe D.K. and Verdier C., International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 2021 (arXiv:2112.09997).
- Direction of epithelial folding defines how torque and tension regulate locally cellular response, with Blonski S., Aureille J., Badawi S., Zaremba D., Pernet L., Grichine A., Fraboulet S., Korczyk P.M., Guilluy C. and Dolega M., Dev. Cell, 2021.
- Extra-cellular matrix in multicellular aggregates acts as a pressure sensor controlling cell proliferation and motility, with M. E Dolega, S. Monnier, B. Brunel, J.-F. Joanny and G. Cappello, elife, 2021 . Insight in elife
- Chemo-mechanical model of a cell as a stochastic active gel, with V. Deshpande, A. DeSimone and R. McMeeking, J. Mec. Phys. Sol., 2021 (arXiv:2103.00865).
- Mechanical behavior of multi-cellular spheroids under osmotic compression, with M. Dolega, G.Zurlo, M. LeGoff, M. Greda, V. Verdier, J.-F. Joanny and G. Cappello, J. Mec. Phys. Sol., 2020 (arXiv:2011.01131).
- A tug-of-war between stretching and bending in living cell sheets, with J. Fouchard, T.Wyatt, N. Khalilgharibi, G. Charras, A. J Kabla, Phys. Rev. E, 2020 (arXiv:2002.03966).
- Curling of epithelial monolayers reveals coupling between active bending and tissue tension, with J. Fouchard, T.Wyatt, A. Proag, A. Lisica, N. Khalilgharibi, M. Suzanne, A. J Kabla, G. Charras, Proc. Nat. Aca. Sci., 2020 (biorXiv:10.1101/806455).
- Active gel segment behaving as an active particle, with T. Putelat and L. Truskinovsky, Phys. Rev. E, 2019 (arXiv:1911.01948).
- Actomyosin controls planarity and folding of epithelia in response to compression, with T.Wyatt, J. Fouchard, A. Lisica, N. Khalilgharibi, B. Baum, A. J Kabla, G. Charras, Nature Materials, 2019 (biorXiv:10.1101/422196v1).
- Crawling in a fluid, with A. Farutin, J. Etienne and C. Misbah, Phys. Rev. Lett., 2019 (arXiv:1902.01730). Focus in Phys.Org
- The physics of cell-size regulation across timescales, with C. Cadart, L. Venkova, M. Marco Cosentino Lagomarsino and M.Piel, Nature Physics, 1745-2481, 2019.
- Force-induced repolarization of an active crawler, with T. Putelat and L. Truskinovsky, New Journal of Physics, 2019 (short first announcement arXiv:1806.09309).
- Theory of mechano-chemical patterning in biphasic biological tissues, with A. Hallou and E. Hannezo, Proc. Nat. Aca. Sci., 2019 (arXiv:1811.12242).
- On the quasi-static effective behaviour of poroelastic media containing elastic inclusions, with P. Royer and C. Verdier, Mechanics Research Communications, 2019 (arXiv:1811.08896).
- Mechanical stress as a regulator of cell motility, with T. Putelat and L. Truskinovsky, Phys. Rev. E, 97, 012410, 2018 (arXiv:1801.07477).
- The dynamic mechanical properties of cellularised aggregates, with N. Khalilgharibi, J. Fouchard, A. Kabla and G.Charras, Current Opinion in Cell Biology, 42,113-120, 2016.
- Rigidity generation by nonthermal fluctuations, with R. Sheshka and L. Truskinovsky, Phys. Rev. E 93, 052604, 2016 (Short first announcement arXiv:1509.02753).
- Growth, collapse, and stalling in a mechanical model for neurite motility, with A. Jerusalem and A. Goriely, Phys. Rev. E 93, 032410, 2016 (arXiv:1512.01005).
- One-dimensional collective migration of a proliferating cell monolayer, with J. Ranft and P. Marcq, Soft Matter, doi: 10.1039/C5SM02857D, 2016 (arXiv:1601.00597).
- Assembly and positioning of actomyosin rings by contractility and PCP, with I. Sehring, E.Denker, M. Kourakis, B. Mathiesen E. Hannezo, B. Dong and D. Jiang, elife, 4:e09206, 2015
- Mechanics of motility initiation and motility arrest in crawling cells, with T. Putelat and L. Truskinovsky, J. Mec. Phys. Sol.,84, 469--505, 2015 (arXiv:1501.07185).
- Cortical instability drives periodic supracellular actin pattern formation in epithelial tubes, with E. Hannezo, B. Dong, J.-F. Joanny and S. Hayashi, Proc. Nat. Aca. Sci. 112, 28, 2015.
- Maximum velocity of self-propulsion for an active segment, with L. Truskinovsky, Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, doi: 10.1177/1081286515588675, 2015 (arXiv:1501.07194).
- Optimality of contraction-driven crawling, with J.-F. Joanny and L. Truskinovsky, Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 218101, 2014 (arXiv:1402.0673).
- Descending aorta subject-specific one-dimensional model validated against in vivo data, with E. Bollache, N. Kachenoura, A. Redheuil, F. Frouin, E. Mousseaux and D. Lucor, Journal of Biomechanics, 2013.
- Contraction-Driven Cell Motility, with T. Putelat and L. Truskinovsky, Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 108102, 2013 (arXiv:1302.3999).
- Asymmetry between pushing and pulling for crawling cells, with L. Truskinovsky, Phys. Rev. E 87, 022720, 2013 (arXiv:1302.4002).
Book Chapter