Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Elsa Bayart ( PDF File )


2010 PhD of Physics, Université Paris 6

2013 M.Sc in Hydraulic and Civil Engineering, INP Grenoble

2007 M.Sc of Physics, Université Paris 6

2005 B.A. of Physics, Université Paris 7


Since 2024 CNRS researcher, Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Physique (LIPhy), Team MODI, Univ. Grenoble-Alpes, France

2017-2024 CNRS researcher, Laboratoire de Physique, ENS Lyon, France

2013-2016 Lady Davis Postdoctoral Fellow, group of Pr. Jay Fineberg, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

2013 Engineer, Artelia Group, Echirolles, France

2011 Postdoctoral Fellow, group of Pr. Bruno Andreotti, ESPCI, Paris, France

2007-2010 PhD student, group of Pr. Mokhtar Adda-Bedia and Pr. Arezki Boudaoud, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France

2006 M.Sc student, group of Pr. Chris Marone, Penn State University, USA


2020-2024 Gender Equality Correspondent at LPENSL

2024 Co-organizer of a mini-colloquium at JMC 2024, Marseille (with G. Albertini and M. Lebihain)

2020 Co-organizer of a mini-colloquium at JMC 2020, Rennes (with A. Amon and J. Scheibert)

2021-2024 Organizer of the Colloquium at LPENSL

2019-2021 Organizer of the Experimental and modelling seminar at LPENSL

Since 2018 Member of the scientific commitee of the Rencontres du Non-Linéaire


Since 2018 Teaching at Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon (M1, agrégation, M2)

2007-2010 Teaching assistant (mathematics, mechanics), Université Paris 6


2015 Prize of the best poster in Gordon Conference "Science of adhesion", Mount Holyoke, MA, USA.

2014-2016 Lady Davis Fellowship

2014 Second prize of the poster competition in CECAM conference, Tel-Aviv, Israel.

2007-2010 Fellowship of the French Minister of Higher Education and Research.

2006-2007 Excellence grant of the French Minister of Higher Education and Research.