

The acto-myosin drive in morphogenetic movements

Kavli Inst for Theoretical Physics, 2019

Video and slides, 1h15

This talk is intended for a biophysics audience, and presents our work on myosin foci in development (Machado et al, 2015 ; Blanchard et al, 2018 ; Dutta et al, 2021). I also briefly discuss the results of Dicko et al, 2017.

Mechanics for Bio

Rheology of actomyosin and emergent mechanical properties of cells

Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, 2015

Video, 51'

This talk is intended for a mathematics, engineering and biophysics audience, and presents our work on actomyosin mechanosensing behaviour (Etienne et al, 2015)

Maths for Bio

Cells and embryos as flowing shells: analytical and numerical approaches for viscoelastic liquid shells

Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, 2015

Video, 48'

This talk is intended for a mathematics, engineering and biophysics audience, and presents our work on the resolution of a compressible flow problem on a curved surface with the finite elements method, and its application to Drosophila axis extension (Dicko et al, 2017) and the early results on initial ventral furrow formation (Fierling et al., 2021).