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93 - Transcribing RNA polymerases: Dynamics of Twin Supercoiled Domains
M. Joyeux
Biophysical Journal, 123 (2024) 3898-3910
[full text]        copyright : Elsevier ([Abstract])
92 - Tethered Particle Motion technique in crowded media: Compaction of DNA by globular macromolecules
M. Joyeux
Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 128 (2024) 7227-7236
[full text]        copyright : The American Chemical Society ([Abstract])
91 - Organization of the bacterial nucleoid by DNA-bridging proteins and globular crowders
M. Joyeux
Frontiers in Microbiology, 14 (2023) 1116776 (1-12)
[full text]        [Abstract]
90 - Models of topological barriers and molecular motors of bacterial DNA
M. Joyeux
Molecular Simulation, 48 (2022) 1688-1696
[full text]        copyright : Taylor & Francis ([Abstract])
89 - Impact of self-association on the architectural properties of bacterial nucleoid proteins
M. Joyeux
Biophysical Journal, 120 (2021) 370-378
[full text]        copyright : Elsevier ([Abstract])
88 - Requirements for DNA-bridging proteins to act as topological barriers of the bacterial genome
M. Joyeux and I. Junier
Biophysical Journal, 119 (2020) 1215-1225
[full text]        copyright : Elsevier ([Abstract])
87 - Bacterial nucleoid : Interplay of DNA demixing and supercoiling
M. Joyeux
Biophysical Journal, 118 (2020) 2141-2150
[full text]        copyright : Elsevier ([Abstract])
86 - Preferential localization of the bacterial nucleoid
M. Joyeux
Microorganisms, 7 (2019) 204 (1-20)
[full text]        [Abstract]
85 - A segregative phase separation scenario of the formation of the bacterial nucleoid
M. Joyeux
Soft Matter, 14 (2018) 7368-7381
[Abstract]          [Ask for an electronic reprint by email]          [arXiv preprint]
84 - Role of salt valency in the switch of H-NS proteins between DNA-bridging and DNA-stiffening modes
M. Joyeux
Biophysical Journal, 114 (2018) 2317-2325
[full text]        copyright : Elsevier ([Abstract])
83 - Coarse-grained model of the demixing of DNA and non-binding globular macromolecules
M. Joyeux
Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 121 (2017) 6351-6358
[full text]        copyright : The American Chemical Society ([Abstract])
82 - Recovery of mechanical pressure in a gas of underdamped active dumbbells with Brownian noise
M. Joyeux
Physical Review E, 95 (2017) 052603 (1-13)
[full text]        copyright : The American Physical Society ([Abstract])
81 - In vivo compaction dynamics of bacterial DNA: A fingerprint of DNA/RNA demixing ?
M. Joyeux
Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science, 26 (2016) 17-27
[Abstract]          [Ask for an electronic reprint by email]          [arXiv preprint]
80 - Pressure of a gas of underdamped active dumbbells
M. Joyeux and E. Bertin
Physical Review E, 93 (2016) 032605 (1-11)
[full text]        copyright : The American Physical Society ([Abstract])
79 - Compaction of bacterial genomic DNA: Clarifying the concepts
M. Joyeux
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 27 (2015) 383001 (1-20)
[full text]        copyright : IOP Publishing Ltd ([Abstract])
78 - Free-energy landscape and characteristic forces for the initiation of DNA unzipping
A. Mentes, A.-M. Florescu, E. Brunk, J. Wereszczynski, M. Joyeux and I. Andricioaei
Biophysical Journal, 108 (2015) 1727-1738
[full text]        copyright : Elsevier ([Abstract])
77 - Equilibration of complexes of DNA and H-NS proteins on charged surfaces: A coarse-grained model point of view
M. Joyeux
Journal of Chemical Physics, 141 (2014) 115102 (1-11)
[full text]        copyright : The American Institute of Physics ([Abstract])
76 - Elastic models of the fast traps of carnivorous Dionaea and Aldrovanda
M. Joyeux
Physical Review E, 88 (2013) 034701 (1-5)
[full text]        copyright : The American Physical Society ([Abstract])
75 - A model of H-NS mediated compaction of bacterial DNA
M. Joyeux and J. Vreede
Biophysical Journal, 104 (2013) 1615-1622
[full text]        copyright : Elsevier ([Abstract])
see also the New and Notable by G.S. Freeman and J.J. de Pablo [here]
74 - At the conjunction of biology, chemistry and physics: the fast movements of Dionaea, Aldrovanda, Utricularia and Stylidium
M. Joyeux
Frontiers in Life Science, 5 (2011) 71-79
[full text]        copyright : Taylor & Francis ([Abstract])
73 - Different mechanics of snap-trapping in the two closely related carnivorous plants Dionaea muscipula and Aldrovanda vesiculosa
S. Poppinga and M. Joyeux
Physical Review E, 84 (2011) 041928 (1-7)
[full text]        copyright : The American Physical Society ([Abstract])
72 - Thermal and mechanical denaturation properties of a DNA model with three sites per nucleotide
A.-M. Florescu and M. Joyeux
Journal of Chemical Physics, 135 (2011) 085105 (1-12)
[full text]        copyright : The American Institute of Physics ([Abstract])
71 - Ultra-fast underwater suction traps
O. Vincent, C. Weisskopf, S. Poppinga, T. Masselter, T. Speck, M. Joyeux, C. Quilliet and P. Marmottant
Proceedings of the Royal Society B : Biological Sciences, 278 (2011) 2909-2914
[full text]        copyright : The Royal Society ([Abstract])
70 - Mechanical model of the ultra-fast underwater trap of Utricularia
M. Joyeux, O. Vincent and P. Marmottant
Physical Review E, 83 (2011) 021911 (1-12)
[full text]        copyright : The American Physical Society ([Abstract])
69 - On the Pseudo-Schrödinger Equation approximation of the Transfer-Integral operator for 1-dimensional DNA models
M. Joyeux
Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics, 18 (2011) 339-357
[full text]        copyright : World Scientific Publishing ([Abstract])
68 - Comparison of kinetic and dynamical models of DNA-protein interaction and facilitated diffusion
A.-M. Florescu and M. Joyeux
Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 114 (2010) 9662-9672
[full text]        copyright : The American Chemical Society ([Abstract])
67 - Fractional bidromy in the vibrational spectrum of HOCl
E. Assémat, K. Efstathiou, M. Joyeux and D. Sugny
Physical Review Letters, 104 (2010) 113002 (1-4)
[full text]        copyright : The American Physical Society ([Abstract])
66 - Mapping between the order of thermal denaturation and the shape of the critical line of mechanical unzipping in 1-dimensional DNA models
S. Buyukdagli and M. Joyeux
Chemical Physics Letters, 484 (2010) 315-320
[Abstract]          [Ask for an electronic reprint by email]          [arXiv preprint]
65 - Dynamical model of DNA protein interaction: effect of protein charge distribution and mechanical properties
A.-M. Florescu and M. Joyeux
Journal of Chemical Physics, 131 (2009) 105102 (1-12)
[full text]        copyright : The American Institute of Physics ([Abstract])
64 - Modeling of two-dimensional DNA display
A.-M. Florescu, M. Joyeux and B. Lafay
Electrophoresis, 30 (2009) 3649-3656
[Abstract]          [Ask for an electronic reprint by email]          [arXiv preprint]
63 - Energy localization in molecules, bifurcation phenomena, and their spectroscopic signature: the global view
S.C. Farantos, R. Schinke, H. Guo and M. Joyeux
Chemical Reviews, 109 (2009) 4248-4271
[full text]        copyright : The American Chemical Society ([Abstract])
62 - Description of non-specific DNA-protein interaction and facilitated diffusion with a dynamical model
A.-M. Florescu and M. Joyeux
Journal of Chemical Physics, 130 (2009) 015103 (1-9)
[full text]        copyright : The American Institute of Physics ([Abstract])
61 - Dynamical versus statistical mesoscopic models for DNA denaturation
M. Joyeux and A.-M. Florescu
Journal of Physics : Condensed Matter, 21 (2009) 034101 (1-12) (special issue on DNA melting)
[full text]        copyright : Institute of Physics Publishing ([Abstract])
60 - Comment on "Bubble nucleation and cooperativity in DNA melting"
M. Sanrey and M. Joyeux
Physical Review Letters, 102 (2009) 029601 (1-1)
[full text]        copyright : The American Physical Society ([Abstract])
59 - Statistical physics of the melting of inhomogeneous DNA
S. Buyukdagli and M. Joyeux
Physical Review E, 77 (2008) 031903 (1-10)
[full text]        copyright : The American Physical Society ([Abstract]
58 - Theoretical investigation of finite size effects at DNA melting
S. Buyukdagli and M. Joyeux
Physical Review E, 76 (2007) 021917 (1-11)
[full text]        copyright : The American Physical Society ([Abstract]
57 - 1/f fluctuations of DNA temperature at thermal denaturation
M. Joyeux, S. Buyukdagli and M. Sanrey
Physical Review E, 75 (2007) 061914 (1-9)
[full text]        copyright : The American Physical Society ([Abstract]
56 - Slow periodic oscillations in time domain dynamics of NO2
M. Sanrey and M. Joyeux
Journal of Chemical Physics, 126 (2007) 074301 (1-8)
[full text]        copyright : The American Institute of Physics ([Abstract])
55 - Quantum mechanical and quasiclassical investigation of the time domain nonadiabatic dynamics of NO2 close to the bottom of the X2A1-A2B2 conical intersection
M. Sanrey and M. Joyeux
Journal of Chemical Physics, 125 (2006) 014304 (1-8)
[full text]        copyright : The American Institute of Physics ([Abstract])
54 - Scaling laws at the phase transition of systems with divergent order parameter and/or internal length : the example of DNA denaturation
S. Buyukdagli and M. Joyeux
Physical Review E, 73 (2006) 051910 (1-6)
[full text]        copyright : The American Physical Society ([Abstract]
53 - Classical and quantum mechanical plane switching in CO2
M. Sanrey, M. Joyeux and D.A. Sadovskii
Journal of Chemical Physics, 124 (2006) 074318 (1-12)
[full text]        copyright : The American Institute of Physics ([Abstract])
52 - Towards more realistic dynamical models for DNA secondary structure
S. Buyukdagli, M. Sanrey and M. Joyeux
Chemical Physics Letters, 419 (2006) 434-438
[Abstract]          [Ask for an electronic reprint by email]          [arXiv preprint]
51 - Dynamical model based on finite stacking enthalpies for homogeneous and inhomogeneous DNA thermal denaturation
M. Joyeux and S. Buyukdagli
Physical Review E, 72 (2005) 051902 (1-5)
[full text]        copyright : The American Physical Society ([Abstract]
50 - On the application of canonical perturbation theory up to the dissociation threshold
S. Buyukdagli and M. Joyeux
Chemical Physics Letters, 412 (2005) 200-205
[Abstract]          [Ask for an electronic reprint by email]
49 - Intramolecular dynamics along isomerization and dissociation pathways
M. Joyeux, S. Yu. Grebenshchikov, J. Bredenbeck, R. Schinke and S.C. Farantos
Advances in Chemical Physics, 130 (2005) 267-303
[full text]        copyright : Wiley ([Abstract])
48 - Study of vibrational energy localization and redistribution in hydrogen peroxide H2O2 at low energy
M. Joyeux
Journal of Chemical Physics, 122 (2005) 074303 (1-8)
[full text]        copyright : The American Institute of Physics ([Abstract])
47 - Dissociation energies of six NO2 isotopologues by LIF spectroscopy and zero point energy of some triatomic molecules
G. Michalski, R. Jost, D. Sugny, M. Joyeux and M. Thiemens
Journal of Chemical Physics, 121 (2004) 7153-7161
[full text]        copyright : The American Institute of Physics ([Abstract])
46 - The CO2 molecule as a quantum realization of the 1:1:2 resonant swing-spring with monodromy
R.H. Cushman, H.R. Dullin, A. Giacobbe, D.D. Holm, M. Joyeux, P. Lynch, D.A. Sadovskii and B.I. Zhilinskii
Physical Review Letters, 93 (2004) 024302 (1-4)
[full text]        copyright : The American Physical Society ([Abstract])
45 - Semiclassical dynamics of the van der Waals states in O3(X1A1)
M. Joyeux, R. Schinke and S. Yu. Grebenshchikov
Journal of Chemical Physics, 120 (2004) 7426-7437
[full text]        copyright : The American Institute of Physics ([Abstract])
44 - Global bending quantum number and the absence of monodromy in the HCN-CNH molecule
K. Efstathiou, M. Joyeux and D.A. Sadovskii
Physical Review A, 69 (2004) 032504 (1-15)
[full text]        copyright : The American Physical Society ([Abstract])
43 - Monodromy of the LiNC/NCLi molecule
M. Joyeux, D.A. Sadovskii and J. Tennyson
Chemical Physics Letters, 382 (2003) 439-442
[Abstract]          [Ask for an electronic reprint by email]
42 - Canonical perturbation theory versus Born-Oppenheimer-type separation of motions : the vibrational dynamics of C3
J. Robert and M. Joyeux
Journal of Chemical Physics, 119 (2003) 8761-8762 (note)
[full text]        copyright : The American Institute of Physics ([Abstract])
41 - Van der Waals states in ozone and their influence on the threshold spectrum of O3 (X1A1). I. Bound states
S. Yu. Grebenshchikov, R. Schinke, P. Fleurat-Lessard and M. Joyeux
Journal of Chemical Physics, 119 (2003) 6512-6523
[full text]        copyright : The American Institute of Physics ([Abstract])
40 - An effective model for the X2A1-A2B2 conical intersection in NO2
M. Joyeux, R. Jost and M. Lombardi
Journal of Chemical Physics, 119 (2003) 5923-5932
[full text]        copyright : The American Institute of Physics ([Abstract])
39 - The bound state spectrum of HOBr up to the dissociation limit : evolution of saddle-node bifurcations
T. Azzam, R. Schinke, S.C. Farantos, M. Joyeux and K.A. Peterson
Journal of Chemical Physics, 118 (2003) 9643-9652
[full text]        copyright : The American Institute of Physics ([Abstract])
38 - Canonical perturbation theory for highly excited dynamics
M. Joyeux and D. Sugny
Canadian Journal of Physics, 80 (2002) 1459-1480 (tutorial article)
[full text]          copyright : NRC Research Press ([Abstract])
37 - The X2A1-A2B2 conical intersection in NO2 : determination of the coupling parameter lambda from high resolution experimental data
R. Jost, M. Joyeux and M. Jacon
Chemical Physics, 283 (2002) 17-28
[Abstract]          [Ask for an electronic reprint by email]
36 - Highly excited motion in molecules : saddle-node bifurcations and their fingerprints in vibrational spectra
M. Joyeux, S.C. Farantos and R. Schinke
Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 106 (2002) 5407-5421 (feature article)
[full text]        copyright : The American Chemical Society ([Abstract])
35 - A local diabatic representation of non-Born-Oppenheimer dynamics
M. Joyeux, D. Sugny and M. Lombardi
Chemical Physics Letters, 352 (2002) 99-105
[Abstract]          [Ask for an electronic reprint by email]
34 - A new canonical perturbation procedure for studying nonadiabatic dynamics
D. Sugny and M. Joyeux
Chemical Physics Letters, 337 (2001) 319-326
[Abstract]          [Ask for an electronic reprint by email
33 - Vibrational dynamics up to the dissociation threshold : a case study of 2-dimensional HOCl
M. Joyeux, D. Sugny, M. Lombardi, R. Jost, R. Schinke, S. Skokov and J. Bowman
Journal of Chemical Physics, 113 (2000) 9610-9621
[full text]        copyright : The American Institute of Physics ([Abstract])
32 - Investigation of the vibrational dynamics of the HCN-CNH isomers through high order canonical perturbation theory
D. Sugny, M. Joyeux and E.L. Sibert
Journal of Chemical Physics, 113 (2000) 7165-7177
[full text]        copyright : The American Institute of Physics ([Abstract])
31 - The vibrational spectrum of deuterated phosphaethyne : a quantum mechanical, classical and semiclassical analysis
J. Bredenbeck, C. Beck, R. Schinke, J. Koput, S. Stamatiadis, S.C. Farantos and M. Joyeux
Journal of Chemical Physics, 112 (2000) 8855-8865
[full text]        copyright : The American Institute of Physics ([Abstract])
30 - Semiclassical study of the isomerization states of HCP
M. Joyeux, D. Sugny, V. Tyng, M. Kellman, H. Ishikawa, R.W. Field, C. Beck and R. Schinke
Journal of Chemical Physics, 112 (2000) 4162-4172
[full text]        copyright : The American Institute of Physics ([Abstract])
29 - On the application of canonical perturbation theory to floppy molecules
D. Sugny and M. Joyeux
Journal of Chemical Physics, 112 (2000) 31-39
[full text]        copyright : The American Institute of Physics ([Abstract])
28 - Vibrational analysis of HOCl up to 98% of the dissociation energy with a Fermi resonance Hamiltonian
R. Jost, M. Joyeux, S. Skokov and J. Bowman
Journal of Chemical Physics, 111 (1999) 6807-6820
[full text]        copyright : The American Institute of Physics ([Abstract])
27 - HCP-CPH isomerization : caught in the act
H. Ishikawa, R.W. Field, S.C. Farantos, M. Joyeux, J. Koput, C. Beck and R. Schinke
Annual Review of Physical Chemistry, 50 (1999) 443-484
[full text]        copyright : Annual Reviews
26 - Analysis of the highly excited vibrational dynamics of HCP using a high order Fermi resonance Hamiltonian
M. Joyeux, S. Yu. Grebenshchikov and R. Schinke
Journal of Chemical Physics, 109 (1998) 8342-8354
[full text]        copyright : The American Institute of Physics ([Abstract])
25 - Gustavson's procedure and the dynamics of highly excited vibrational states
M. Joyeux
Journal of Chemical Physics, 109 (1998) 2111-2122
[full text]        copyright : The American Institute of Physics ([Abstract])
24 - Fourier transform of molecular spectra versus classical periodic orbits : the example of CO2
M. Joyeux and L. Michaille
ACH - Models in Chemistry, 134 (1997) 573-594 (invited article)
[full text]        copyright : Akademiai Kiado, Budapest ([Link])
23 - On resonance-type effective vibrational Hamiltonians for CO2. II - Results
M. Joyeux
Chemical Physics, 221 (1997) 287-301
[Abstract]          [Ask for an electronic reprint by email]
22 - On resonance-type effective vibrational Hamiltonians for CO2. I - Theoretical background
M. Joyeux
Chemical Physics, 221 (1997) 269-286
[Abstract]          [Ask for an electronic reprint by email]
21 - Classical dynamics of a non-integrable Hamiltonian near coupling-induced resonance islands
M. Joyeux
Journal of Physics A, 29 (1996) 5963-5977
[full text]        copyright : Institute of Physics Publishing ([Abstract])
20 - Classical dynamics of the 1:1, 1:2 and 1:3 resonance Hamiltonians
M. Joyeux
Chemical Physics, 203 (1996) 281-307
[Abstract]          [Ask for an electronic reprint by email]
19 - Semiclassical assignment of the vibrational levels of molecules with Fermi resonance. Application to CS2
M. Joyeux
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 175 (1996) 262-266
[Abstract]          [Ask for an electronic reprint by email]
18 - Application of Berry and Tabor's trace formula to the 2D Fermi resonance Hamiltonian
M. Joyeux
Chemical Physics Letters, 247 (1995) 454-464
[Abstract]          [Ask for an electronic reprint by email
17 - Semiclassical behavior at a quantum avoided crossing
M. Joyeux
Journal of Chemical Physics, 102 (1995) 2816-2824
[full text]        copyright : The American Institute of Physics ([Abstract] )
16 - Semiclassical quantization of the spectroscopist's Hamiltonian for coupled vibrational modes
M. Joyeux
Chemical Physics, 185 (1994) 263-279
[Abstract]          [Ask for an electronic reprint by email]
15 - Measurement of very long (107 s) spin conversion times : dimethyl-s-tetrazine in durene
M. Joyeux, B. Prass, C. von Borczyskowski, J.-C. Vial and H.P. Trommsdorff
Chemical Physics, 178 (1993) 433-448
[Abstract]          [Ask for an electronic reprint by email]
14 - Vibrational chaos : rational tori, separatrices and Lyapunov exponents
M. Joyeux
Chemical Physics, 174 (1993) 157-166
[Abstract]          [Ask for an electronic reprint by email]
13 - The transition towards vibrational chaos in triatomic molecules. A numerical and analytical approach
M. Joyeux
Chemical Physics, 167 (1992) 299-314
[Abstract]          [Ask for an electronic reprint by email]
12 - Intra- inter- polyad mixing and breaking of symmetric-antisymmetric selection rules in the vibrational spectra of the CS2 molecule
J.P. Pique, J. Manners, G. Sitja and M. Joyeux
Journal of Chemical Physics, 96 (1992) 6495-6508
[full text]        copyright : The American Institute of Physics ([Abstract])
11 - Optical measurements of methyl group tunneling in molecular crystals : Temperature dependence of the nuclear spin conversion rate
C. Hartmann, M. Joyeux, H.P. Trommsdorff, J.C. Vial and C. von Borczyskowski
Journal of Chemical Physics, 96 (1992) 6335-6343
[full text]        copyright : The American Institute of Physics ([Abstract])
10 - Numerical studies on the interactions between Fermi polyads : quantum and semiclassical chaos
M. Joyeux
Chemical Physics, 161 (1992) 11-17
[Abstract]          [Ask for an electronic reprint by email]
9 - Spectroscopy, dynamics and chaos of the CS2 molecule : Fourier transform and phase-space analysis
J.P. Pique, M. Joyeux, J. Manners and G. Sitja
Journal of Chemical Physics, 95 (1991) 8744-8752
[full text]        copyright : The American Institute of Physics ([Abstract])
8 - Vibrational study of 3-methyl 4-nitropyridine N-oxide
P. Plaza, F. Le Guiner, M. Joyeux, N.Q. Dao, J. Zyss and R. Hierle
Journal of Molecular Sructure, 247 (1991) 363-372
[Abstract]          [Ask for an electronic reprint by email]
7 - Calculation of the vibrational force field for 4-nitropyridine N-oxide by the AM1 and MNDO semi-empirical methods
M. Joyeux, M.T.C. Martins Costa, D. Rinaldi and N.Q. Dao
Spectrochimica Acta, 45A (1989) 967-975
[Abstract]          [Ask for an electronic reprint by email]
6 - Analyse en coordonnées normales des vibrations de la 4-nitropyridine N-oxyde
M. Joyeux and N.Q. Dao
Spectrochimica Acta, 44A (1988) 1447-1455
[Abstract]          [Ask for an electronic reprint by email]
5 - Vibrational study of 4-nitropyridine N-oxide. III - The charge transfer phenomenon as observed in solution
M. Joyeux, G. Menard and N.Q. Dao
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 19 (1988) 499-502
[Abstract]          [Ask for an electronic reprint by email]
4 - Etude par spectroscopie vibrationnelle du composé 4-nitropyridine N-oxide. II - vibrations internes
M. Joyeux and N.Q. Dao
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 19 (1988) 441-451
[Abstract]          [Ask for an electronic reprint by email]
3 - Raman study of a 4-nitropyridine N-oxide. I - lattice vibrations
M. Joyeux, M. Jouan and N.Q. Dao
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 19 (1988) 133-142
[Abstract]          [Ask for an electronic reprint by email]
2 - Etude in situ et à distance par spectrométrie Raman-laser associée aux fibres optiques de la formation du dépôt calcomagnésien au cours de la protection cathodique d'un acier inoxydable en milieu marin
N.Q. Dao, M. Prodhomme, P. Plaza and M. Joyeux
Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences de Paris, Série 2, 302 (1986) 313- 318
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1 - Cartographie sélective par spectrométrie Raman-laser-fibres-optiques pour analyses à distance et in-situ
N.Q. Dao, P. Plaza and M. Joyeux
Analusis, 14 (1986) 334-343
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